
Sunday 16 September 2018

The Book of Judith Chapter 6 of 16


The Book of Judith




¹ When the disturbance made by the people outside the council had died down, Holofernes, the commander of the Assyrian army, said to Achior in the presence of all the foreign contingents. 

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verse 1)

Oh God my Father when in a state of chaos or confusion in both mind and spirit or even body one cannot make good decisions. When in such a state we generally end up making rash decisions and reach conclusions that on reflecting we end up being sorry for having made them Amen.

 ²"Who are you, Achior and you mercenaries of Ephraim, to prophesy among us as you have done today and tell us not to make war against the people of Israel because their God will defend them? What god is there except Nebuchadnezzar? He will send his forces and destroy them from the face of the earth. Their God will not save them; ³ we the king's servants will destroy them as one man. They cannot resist the might of our cavalry. ⁴ We will overwhelm them; their mountains will be drunk with their blood, and their field will be full of their dead. Not even their footprints will survive our attack; they will utterly perish. So says King Nebuchadnezzar, lord of the whole earth. For he has spoken; none of his words shall be in vain.

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verses 2 to 4)

Oh Dear Holofernes, you are wrong. You do not know against whom you are fighting with for our God is an awesome God. He is our champion and victor. He fights our wars with love and kindness and not with war and bloodshed. Amen. I invite you all to join in this song and prayer to our God.

⁵ "As for you, Achior, you Ammonite mercenary, you have said these words in a moment of perversity; you shall not see my face again from this day until I take revenge on this race that came out of Egypt.  

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verse 5)

Oh God my beloved Father at times we say what we think we mean, but we do not really mean it. This can lead to giving mixed messages to others. I pray oh God that I always mean what I say, and say what I mean Amen.

⁶ Then at my return the sword of my army and the spear of my servants shall pierce your sides, and you shall fall among their wounded.

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verse 6)

Oh God my Father at the hour of Your return the spear of the Word of God, shall pass through the evil one and destroy him once and for all, so that evil will no longer exist Amen. 

⁷ Now my slaves are going to take you back into the hill country and put you in one of the towns beside the passes.

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verse 7)

Oh brothers and sisters in the Lord our God, if we give way to our fetishes and or addictions we will become slaves to them and will end up being controlled by them. I pray oh God that You free us from our state of weakness and make us victors over our fragile selves Amen.

⁸ You will not die until you perish along with them. ⁹ If you really hope in your heart that they will not be taken, then do not look downcast! I have spoken, and none of my words shall fail to come true."

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verses 8 to 9)

Oh brothers and sisters be careful in whom you place your trust and security, because the world is an illusion. It promises safety and comfort for the body which at times places the wellbeing of the soul at great risk or danger amen. Therefore even though we need to live as human beings we are to invest more in our spiritual well-being and not be afraid of death but welcome it as our brother and sister.

¹⁰ Then Holofernes ordered his slaves who waited on him in his tent, to seize Achior and take him away to Bethulla and hand him over to the Israelites.

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verse 10)

Oh God my Father, many people who gave testimony in Your name were subjected to ridicule and torture and some even to the point of death. I have experienced direct insults in relation to the time I spend meditating on Your Word. This blog has been the focus of attack by many people, however, You are always with me Amen my tower of refuge and defence. Thank You, Jesus.

¹¹ So the slaves took him and led him out of the camp into the plain, and from the plain they went up into the hill country and came to the springs below Bethulia.

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verse 11)

Oh brothers and sisters if you desire to be led to God the Father, seek the instructions of people of God and not of people of the world, because many people can give directions, but only those who have really experienced Him can lead you to Him Amen.

¹² When the men of the town saw them, they seized their weapons and ran out of the town to the top of the hill, and all the slingers kept them from coming up by throwing stones at them.

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verse 12) 

Oh God my Father, when society thinks or sees that we have gone over the line and broke the rules it takes action and starts hurling accusations in order to enforce justice and order, without stopping to consider if that same society in some way is to blame if circumstances connected to the situation were in play that conditioned the person to behave in such a way. I pray that You help me in my situation because I am also being used as a target. I pray for Your protection my God and Father Amen. Help me not to cross the line and dance according to the song that is being played, or else create a situation where changes need to be done Amen. Thanks, Jesus.

¹³ So having taken shelter below the hill, they bound Achior and left him lying at the foot of the hill, and returned to their master.

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verse 13) 

Oh God my Father, the spirits of evil do the same to us. Once they have enslaved us in compulsion or addiction they go back to their evil master to receive further instruction re how to continue persecuting and dominating us and then come back to put their plans in effect. I pray for protection, my God and Father Amen. 

¹⁴ Then the Israelites came down from their town and found him; they untied him and brought him into Bethulia and placed hime before the magistrates of their town, ¹⁵ who in those days were Uzziah  son of Micah, of the tribe of Simeon, and Chabris son of Gothoniel, and Charmis son of Melchiel.

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verses 14 to 15) 

Oh, brothers and sisters, we can easily tie and bind each other with accusations and we can also remove the bandages and treat the wounds Amen.

¹⁶They called together all the elders of the towns, and all their young men and women rant to the assembly. They set Achior in the midst of all their people, and Uzziah questioned him about what had happened. ¹⁷ He answered and told them what had taken place at the council of Holofernes, and all that he had said in the presence of the Assyrian leaders, and all that Holofernes had boasted he would do against the house of Israel. ¹⁸ Then the people fell down and worshiped God, and cried out:

¹⁹ "O Lord God of heaven, see their arrogance, and have pity on our people in their humiliation, and look kindly today on the faces of those who are consecrated to you."

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verses 16 to 19) 

Oh God how powerful is the power of witness of the truth. Truth sets us free in front of those who oppress us in all circumstances. It leaves the enemy feeling weak and overwhelmed. I pray that we always be united in faith and in truth Amen.

²⁰ Then they reassured Achior, and praised him highly. ²¹ Uzziah took him from the assembly to his own house and gave a banquet for the elders; and all that night they called on the God of Israel for help.

(The Book of Judith Chapter 6 verses 20 to 21) 

Oh God my Father, I pray that we have a change of attitude towards those who pose a threat to us, I pray that instead of seeing them as enemies we consider them as being friends Amen.

I would like to end this meditation on the sixth chapter of the book of Judith with the following prayer:-

Oh brothers and sisters before God I pray that we stop and think before judging others. I pray that we be positive people who focus on the positive side of others instead of on the negative side Amen.